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DVD-Video Player DVD763SA
DVD763SA /001 /021 /051
Contents Page
1 Technical Specs and Connection Facilities 2
2 Safety Instructions, Warnings, Notes, and Service
Hints 3
3 Directions for Use 5
4 Mechanical- and Dismantling Instructions 20
5 Diagnostic Software, Trouble Shooting and Test
Instructions 22
6 Block-, Wiring Diagram and Testpoint Overview
Block Diagram 43
Wiring Diagram 44
Testpoint Overview AV Board 45
7 Electrical Diagrams and Print-Layouts Diagram PWB
Power Supply Unit 46
AV Board: SYS Clk & Control (Diagram A1) 47 51-56
AV Board: Video DAC (Diagram A2) 48 51-56
AV Board: Audio (Diagram A3) 49 51-56
AV Board: Video (Diagram A4) 50 51-56
Front Board: Display (Diagram D) 57 58-60
Front Board: Standby (Diagram S) 61 61
Switching Panel (Diagram S1) 62 64-66
SCART Panel (Diagram S2) 63 64-66
8 Alignments(Not Applicable) 67
9 Circuit Descriptions 67
List of Abbreviations 75
IC Data 76
10 Spare Parts List 77