Precision Power Sensors
4027A Series
Bird’s® Precision power sensors for precision laboratory applications. The 4027A Series Power Sensors
were designed to bring superb accuracy and ease of use together for the engineer in the laboratory.
At the calibrated frequency and power level, these sensors are capable of 1% accuracy. With calibration
traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, you can be condent of the measurements
these sensors provide.
Poor production yields
} 1% accuracy at specied frequencies and power levels
Lack of condence in measurements
} Calibration traceable to NIST
Complex tools requiring calibration each time
} Plug and Play with 4421 Meter
} Unit does not need to be eld calibrated before use
} Calibrate only once every six months
Harmonic content interfering with measurements
Wide range of applications requiring various input and
output connectors
} Dozens of connector options available
Bird’s new 4027A Series Power Sensors represent a family of
sensors for use in semiconductor processing and other precision
process applications. Intended for use with the industry standard
Bird precision Laboratory Power Meter Model 4421, these
products provide a threefold improvement in long term unit
to unit accuracy.
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