NLLW – návod k obsluze a instalaci
frequency 425Hz +/- 20Hz and level -10dBm (cca 0,22V) and difference lis
cadency. The LLW reacts on those tones.
1.3.3 Button and blocking connection (BTN a BLOCK)
When telephone line is connected we need connect button only.
The button is connected to screw terminal mark BTN. Look on picture 3.
Picture 3 : Button connection and call blocking
The screw mark BLOCK is designed for blocking of button for emergency
call. Input is isolated from other parts of LLW and not depends on polarity. In
configuration you can select if BLOCK input is activated by leading of voltage
5-24V or by disconnection of this voltage.
1.3.4 Connection of optical signalization (YELOW and GREEN)
The LLW is equipped by call status indication. It is by yellow and green
indicator. The switcher outputs for those indicators are isolated from other
components and each from other as well. The switchers are made until current
0,5A and voltage 50V. On Picture 4 you can see examples of lamp indicator
connection (power consumption should not be higher than 5W) or LED
indicator connection. ( Don’t forget add resistor !!!). The power supply are
describe on picture 4. In practice is probably 1 power supply in lift cabin.